Author Archives: M. Deeb

The Robert Kennedy Assassination

The Second Kennedy Cover-Up

At the Sirhan trial it was proven that Sirhan could not have fired the shot that killed Senator Robert Kennedy. There had to be another gunman for the fatal shot to be delivered. See future blogs for details. Dr. Michael J Deeb

Was the Assassination of President Kennedy a Coup d’ E’tat? Article 1


Was the John Kennedy killing a Coup d’ E’tat?  Article 1

The traditional definition of a Coup d’ E’tat is as follows:

A coup d’ e’tat is a seizure of the state apparatus, meant to displace control of the government from its current leadership and the current agenda and replaced with new leadership espousing a different agenda.

The elements of a successful coup are:

  1. Method: Replacement of a President of the United States must be done in such a way as to appear legitimate:  Note:   There are four ways by which a sitting president can be legitimately replaced:  1) through election being the customary method, 2) impeachment is another, 3) death while in office, or 4) retirement at the conclusion of a four year term.  In 1963, it was widely assumed that John Kennedy would win re-election in 1964. Thus, he would proceed  to implement his agenda of  detente with the Soviet Union, his liberal domestic agenda, his promise to dismantle the CIA, destroy the MAFIA and to reduce the power of the financial/industrial elites. Government and private sector elites decided they could not defeat him at the polls in 1964  and thus they would have to endure another four years of his agenda. They also realized that there was a sitting Vice-President who supported their agenda. This man, Lyndon Johnson, was under Congressional investigation and was reportedly  going to be replaced by JFK on the Democratic ticket in 1964. So, it was imperative to act asap.
  2. Replaced Quickly:  The deposed leader must be replaced quickly. Thus, John Kennedy was declared  dead at one o’clock on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. Note: Vice-President Johnson, Kennedy’s legitimate successor, was at the scene of the assassination and was sworn in as president at two o’clock the same afternoon. The late president’s wife was at LBJs side during the swearing in on Air Force One, the president’s official plane.
  3. The Assassin: . The assassin must be identified quickly, arrested and silenced. He must also not be seen as associated with the government and his story must be seen as legitimate. Note: Lee Oswald was identified and arrested within 90 minutes of the assassination on Friday and himself killed on Sunday while in police custody by someone not connected with the government. The assassin must not be seen as connected to the government either. His story must appear to be legitimate and believable, too. Oswald was not associated with the government. His complete life story was available and made public world-wide the afternoon of the assassination.
  4. Control All the Evidence:  All evidence must be gathered and controlled by the leaders of the coup. Note: All the evidence dealing with the assassination: the body and official autopsy of the dead president, the vehicle in which he rode at the time of the killing, his clothing, films of the killing, testimony/press releases of the attending physicians and witness testimony was all immediately collected by government employees, removed from Texas and hidden from public review.
  5. Symbols of Power:  The symbols of power must be transferred quickly in an acceptable manner. Note: The vice president was seen being  sworn in within two hours of the killing on Air Force One. Beside him was the dead president’s wife. He was filmed taking possession of the Oval Office in Washington D.C. the following morning.
  6. Acceptance by Government Elites:  The new president must be accepted by the key government elites. Note: The majority of the late president’s cabinet was out of Washington at the time of the killing and thus unable to question the transfer of power.  Claiming a national emergency, the new president was therefore able the evening of the assassination to acquire their pledge of support to carry on the government.
  7. Legitimacy:  The new leader must be seen as the legitimate successor to the assassinated leader. Note:  The evening of the assassination, the new president spoke to a nationwide television audience from Andrews Air Force Base. At his side with Air Force One in the background, was the wife of the assassinated president and the Attorney General brother of the late president, Robert Kennedy.
  8. Control of the Investigation:  The leaders of the coup must maintain control of any investigation. Note: Within ten days, the FBI issued an official report claiming that a lone gunman,(Lee Harvey Oswald)  fired from behind, killed President John Kennedy and wounded Governor Connely. And when members of Congress suggested investigating the assassination, President Johnson announced the formation of the bi-partisan Warrren Commission headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to conduct a complete investigation of the assassination. This shut the door on all other investigations which would probably have been outside of President Johnson’s control.




The Warren Commission & Multiple Assassins


                                          The FBI Report & the Warren Commission


The Warren Commission wanted to support the FBI Report that concluded that there was only one assassin who fired all the shots at President Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

Problem #1

Because of the Zapruder film, it was apparent that 1.8 seconds after President Kennedy was hit, a shot hit Governor Connally. The FBI Report assumed that the lone assassin hit the governor with his second shot. However, expert re-in-actors were not able to fire the weapon used by the accused assassin withing the 1.8 seconds demanded by the film.

How could the members of the Warren Commission explain this without looking for a second assassin and thus repudiating the basis of the FBI Report?

Solution of the Warren Commission

In order to remain consistent with the FBI Report, the members of the Warren Commission declared that the bullet that hit President Kennedy in the back exited his throat and hit Governor in his back first, then his wrist and finally entered his leg.

Magic Bullet


The doctors who performed the autopsy at Bethesda Hospital in Washington D>C> discovered:

  1. The only wound the president suffered in the back was five and one half inches below the neck and two inches to the right of the spine.
  2. The bullet penetrated his back at a downward angle of 60 degrees
  3. The bullet did not exit the body.

back wound Bathesda Autopsy


The members of the Warren Commission simply said the bullet could ‘possibly’ have wounded both the president and the governor. Congressman Ford  (A Warren Commission member) went a bit further. For the printed report, he moved the entry wound on the president’s back up several inches.


The FBI Report




The FBI Report of December 1963 stated that:

  1. There were three shots fired at President Kennedy
  2. All shots were fired from behind him.
  3. All shots were fired by one assassin.

However: There is a problem with this conclusion.

Fact: Examination of the Zapruder film of the assassination clearly showed Governor Connally being hit 1.8 seconds after the first shot hit JFK in the back.

But: The Italian made bolt action rifle used by the assassin could not be fired (by experts) within the 1.8 seconds shown in the film.

Therefore: Since Oswald could not have caused both wounds, he was not the only assassin firing in Daely Plaza on November 22nd, 1963.

More on this subject the next time. 



The Kennedy Assassination Blog Series


This e mail is to announce the beginning of a new blog series: The Kennedy Assassination.

I will begin a new series of blogs dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy starting in July 2019. The first blog of each month, and during each month going forward, I will send you a blog dealing with the  JFK assassination. The second blog of each month will continue to be Civil War related.


                                                          The Kennedy Assassination


During November of 1963, the president of the United States visited several cities in the state of Texas. At the last stop of his Texas trip, President Kennedy and his wife rode in an open vehicle through downtown of Dallas. They were to attend a lunch in that city immediately after the parade.

Parade Photo

During the parade, President Kennedy was hit by three bullets. Rushed to near-by Parkland Hospital, he was taken to an emergency room at 12:35. There he was treated by medical personnel who were unable to save his life. Subsequently, he was declared dead by Dr. Kemp Clark at 1 o’clock the same day.


During this blog series, I will present you with the data (evidence) known by investigators before, during and immediately after the assassination of JFK. The last of the blogs will relate conclusions reached by investigators years after the assassination. And finally, as part of this series, I will examine the possibility that the assassination of President Kennedy was a coup d’ etat organized and carried out by agents of the United States government.




Secret Service Under Fire: Dallas November 22, 1963


                                        Security Requirements/Lapses During the Dallas Motorcade


Both the Warren Commission Report of 1964 and the House Committee on Assassinations Report of 1978 criticized the Secret Service for their actions on November 22, 1963. In both reports, it was decided that the men assigned to protect President John Kennedy  had not done a proper job of establishing security for his Dallas motorcade on that fateful day. Let’s take a look at the procedures the agents were supposed to follow and what actually happened.

There were November presidential motorcades planned in four Texas cities: Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth and Dallas. The security protocol required for motorcades was the same in all four cities.


Required Protocols Were:

  1. On any motorcade parade route:  All windows in building of two or more stories were required to be closed and under observation until the motorcade had passed.
  2. Motorcade speed must be at least forty miles per hour.
  3. At any turn, the corner must be secured as must open areas like the Grassy Knoll. Any bridge under which or over which the president’s vehicle must travel has be cleared and under observation.
  4. Security personnel must ride at the side and at the rear of the president’s vehicle. Local law enforcement personnel on motorcycles should ride alongside the president’s vehicle.




Were all such requirements followed for President Kennedy’s motorcade through Dallas on November 22, 1963?


  1. The route chosen involved two sharp turns, requiring the president’s vehicle to be slowed to ten miles per hour or less. On a dry run, the Dallas Chief of Station for the Secret Service, Forrest Sorrels said: “We’d be sitting ducks here.” Never-the-less, over the objections of Kennedy’s advance team, he approved the route just the same.
  2. The street-corners at each of the two required turns were not secured or under observation during the motorcade.
  3. The windows of the Texas Book Depository Building on the right side of Elm Street were not closed, nor were they under observation. (In fact, none of the windows in multi-story buildings along the parade route were required to be closed or under observation.)
  4. The Grassy Knoll on the right of Elm Street was not secured or under observation during the parade.
  5. The overpass under which the president’s vehicle had to drive was not secured or under observation during the motorcade. In fact, it was full of observers.  (When questioned, about these lapses in security protocol,  Service spokesmen claimed that they were too short-handed to fulfill the above demands.)
  6. Secret Service agents were removed from the sides and rear of the president’s vehicle. Instead, they rode in a vehicle following or walked well behind the president’s auto.
  7. The motorcycle escort was removed by the ranking Secret Service agent on the scene at Love Field from the sides to the rear of the president’s vehicle.
  8. The president’s military adviser was removed from his customary place in the center of the front seat of the president’s vehicle at the direction of the ranking Secret Service agent on the scene at Love Field.   (When questioned about these changes in protocol, the Secret Service spokesmen claimed that President Kennedy himself had ordered the removals/changes mention above. Contrary testimony by Kennedy aides insisted that JFK had always deferred to the security requirements suggested by the Secret Service and would have never intervened in such a manner.)

In the photograph below, you can see the local motorcycle policeman rode to the rear of the president’s vehicle, not alongside. The suited figure at the top right of the photo is a Secret Service agent who would normally be alongside the president’s vehicle. With the changes ordered by the Secret Service man in charge, he president was obviously exposed to the max on all sides.


Dallas Motorcade 11-22-63


Thus, Secret Service personnel failed to enforce routine security protocols for the Dallas motorcade. 

see: The Kennedy Assassination: Why Was Kennedy Killed? Vol 2 at www.the